
Coming to America - August-September travel plans


2024 was the year I transitioned back into nearly full-time professional vagrancy, although I still maintain a default home base in Iceland for now. I’ve not been very actively writing on this blog this year. I keep feeling guilty about that, but I’ve really been quite busy with other stuff, mostly working on building EarthOS. I’ve also traveled a lot this year - Curaçao, Miami, Malaga, London, Malta, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, North Carolina, Washington DC, Iceland, Croatia, Ireland, Bosnia & Herzegovina… I’m probably forgetting something.

But either way, this is to announce that from the 13th of August I’ll be in California and Nevada for a while. Part of this time is already organized, staying in Oakland for a few days at the beginning of the trip, and then on vacation in the mountains, forests and deserts for a couple of weeks, before returning to the Bay Area. I have some unsolidified plans for the next steps after that, but unclear at the moment.

I’ve intentionally kept a chunk of time open while in the Bay Area, specially after September 10th for about a week, to meet up with people and have conversations. And while there’s a lot of people I’m looking forward to catch up with, I’m also eager to meet new people or speak with groups about various topics.

So, by all means let me know by email or instant message if you want to meet up. Here are a few suggestions:

  • I’d like to talk to people about my company, Ecosophy, and the work we’re doing with EarthOS. I’m happy to provide demos and such. We are accepting new clients into our beta at the moment, and our spatiotemporal analysis capabilities will blow you away.
  • We’re not actively seeking investments at the moment, but if you’re an investor and would like to talk, I’m happy to have a conversation.
  • I’m happy to meet with groups, organizations or companies and discuss topics as far ranging as: environmental data analysis, climate change and climate governance, geopolitics in the 21st century, driving factors of current conflicts, international trade, futurism, democracy, my time in Icelandic politics, cybernetics, system architecture, software engineering, free software, liquid democracy and psephology, or anything else that might seem relevant based on the above. Let me know what you’re thinking and we’ll figure something out!
  • I’d also like to meet political activists, in particular pertaining to the upcoming elections in the US. I’d like to learn a bit about how things work there.
  • It would also be interesting to get in touch with anybody involved in water management, wildfire management, or environmental forecasting in the Bay Area.
  • I’m also open to traveling from the Bay Area to more or less anywhere in a 3000km radius of there if you give me a good enough reason.
  • Finally, it’s been a long time since I’ve gone flying in that area. Any pilots want to hang out?

Exciting times ahead. More fun soon!